Friday, May 21, 2010


Some of you may have noticed the addition of a poll on my blog page. If not, why not? I want to finding out what you, my readers, are interested in reading.

Ideally I'd love to be able to blog everyday and tell you about all the exciting modding I've been doing, but unfortunately I don't get to mod everyday. I'm also unsure of how interested the average reader would be hearing about how I've been fighting with the scripting and plots involved in getting NPCs added to the player's party and making character approval ratings work.

This is why I've been posting on general design related issues, and I'm glad to see that people actually seem to be interested in these posts. However, I have also received a bit of interest in toolset/modding tips or tutorial articles, and I'm more than willing to share advice or experience with other modders. I certain don't consider myself the most talented modder out there, but I imagine I've picked up a few things along the way. If people have any specific areas they think would be good for me to post on, tell me. So please cast your vote, and comment as necessary!

However, in order to demonstrate that I've actually been doing some work on The Shattered War, here are a couple of screenshots with the player and Taraz doing some good old fashioned adventuring.

Area design is something that I love doing; turning that mental image of a shot in your head into a tangible location for characters to explore is really rewarding. This screenshot below captures a view of a winding path between rocky hills and dense trees - you can see the path up in the top left and curving away to the right around the torchlight, with Taraz and my character in the foreground.

Of course, when playing a hero, you have to get your hands dirty from time to time. Next you can see a genlock battering Taraz while my hero supports from the side with his bow. You can click on either picture for a higher resolution screenshot.

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