Sunday, January 10, 2016

Shattered War Status

I have important news about The Shattered War.

Firstly, I have been ticking along with getting more and more lines of recorded dialogue integrated into the game. There are only a few characters left now, and some of those I've already received partial dialogue for. That said, there are a couple of (Orlesian) characters that I still have not found voice actors for. Even so, we are talking about several thousand lines of dialogue - each of which I have listened to numerous (say 3 to 12 or more) times before it is completely integrated into the game.

It is my aim to have the mod released this year - preferably by the middle of the year. At the current point in time, it seems highly likely that these characters will unfortunately remain unvoiced. While I really do not want to release the mod with some characters unvoiced, if it is a choice between releasing it with unvoiced characters, or not releasing it at all, I will release it in as finished as state as I can manage.  If voice actors come forward after release, I may do an update for it.

I am going to be away for a few weeks on holiday as of tomorrow, and won't be working on Shattered War during that time, but I will be hitting it hard when I get back. I am aiming to have a version of the mod ready for beta testing by April. At the current point in time, I do not have any beta testers, so if you would be interested, please let me know - I have a gmail address of AmstradHero.

I am expecting the beta / final release of the mod to be somewhere in the realm of 800MB to 1GB in size given all the resources it includes.

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